“social Media in Business Today -social Networking Tools for Business”

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

One of the reasons I enjoy Hootsuite is due to its ability to create and monitor custom lists via hashtags and key terms. Using the mobile app means I not only get notifications but can also monitor and join in the latest conversations in just a few clicks.

Reddit, or similar social media platforms such as Stumble Upon or Digg, are ideal for sharing compelling content. With over 2 billion page views a month, Reddit has incredible social media marketing potential, but marketers should be warned that only truly unique, interesting content will be welcomed. Posting on Reddit is playing with fire—submit spammy or overtly sales-focused content and your business could get berated by this extremely tech-savvy community.

Jump up ^ Sepp, M.; Liljander, V.; Gummerus, J. (2011). “Private bloggers’ motivations to produce content – a gratifications theory perspective”. Journal of Marketing Management. 27 (13/14): 1479–1503. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2011.624532.

Simply put, search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing the content, technical set-up, and reach of your website so that your pages appear at the top of a search engine result for a specific set of keyword terms. Ultimately, the goal is to attract visitors to your website when they search for products, services, or information related to your business.

A Consistent Brand Image — Using social media for marketing enables your business to project your brand image across a variety of different social media platforms. While each platform has its own unique environment and voice, your business’s core identity, whether it’s friendly, fun, or trustworthy, should stay consistent.

Learn to create marketing content, use social media to amplify your message, make content discoverable in search, run Adwords campaigns and advertise on Facebook. Additionally, learn how display and video ads work and how to market with email, and measure and optimize with Google Analytics.

hello ( MR Kevan Lee ) I have and idea of Doing , soical net working example like instagram and tweeter and etc but i have my own idea and my own name but the problem i donot know about programing i dont no how to do it i need a programmer to do it for me so my soical net work get famous around the word i wish you can help me with it , because i waited and i tryed to making search for this think and i didnot even found one …. i am just waiting for your replay thanks you …

Jump up ^ Wagner, Lori Ann (2015). “When Your Smartphone Is Too Smart for Your Own Good: How Social Media Alters Human Relationships”. The Journal of Individual Psychology. 71 (2): 114–121. doi:10.1353/jip.2015.0009.

This new social media marketing specialization from Northwestern University is designed for business owners, executives and marketing professionals who want to develop a social media strategy to grow their businesses.

In demography, the study of social networks has led to new sampling methods for estimating and reaching populations that are hard to enumerate (for example, homeless people or intravenous drug users.) For example, respondent driven sampling is a network-based sampling technique that relies on respondents to a survey recommending further respondents.

The bottom line for most of these tools? If teens are using them respectfully, appropriately, and with a little parental guidance, they should be fine. Take inventory of your kids’ apps and review the best practices.

Twitter is whats happening now and is less personal, with Facebook you are inviting people into your personal circle of friends, I also think syndicating the same message to all your accounts is not the best approach. I know lots of my clients struggle to grasp what content they should post where.

In J.A. Barnes’ day, a “community” referred to a specific geographic location and studies of community ties had to do with who talked, associated, traded, and attended church with whom. Today, however, there are extended “online” communities developed through telecommunications devices and social network services. Such devices and services require extensive and ongoing maintenance and analysis, often using network science methods. Community development studies, today, also make extensive use of such methods.

Hey Kyle, what course would you recommend for someone like me that’s looking to get into digital marketing but doesn’t have any professional experience yet (do have some experience managing my own channels for my music brand)? Which one would be the most useful for finding that first job?

Highlight was that flashpaper kind of app that burns super bright and then disappears in a puff of smoke. Launched at the end of 2011, Highlight was in the vanguard of “near me” apps and also caught the most flack as being the creepiest app idea on the planet. At the time, there were a lot of apps willing to help you find friends nearby. However, none were as polished as Highlight. As for the creep factor… well, that was real.

Inbound marketing pioneer Hubspot offers a variety of free Inbound Marketing Certification Program. While their courses are aimed at people in digital marketing and social media industries, if you’re dedicated you can learn a lot about content marketing.

People[who?] are increasingly getting political news and information from social media platforms. A 2014 study showed that 62% of web users turn to Facebook to find political news.[200] This social phenomenon allows for political information, true or not, to spread quickly and easily among peer networks. Furthermore, social media sites are now encouraging political involvement by uniting like-minded people, reminding users to vote in elections, and analyzing users’ political affiliation data to find cultural similarities and differences.[201] Social media can help taint the reputation of political figures fairly quickly with information that may or may not be true. Information spreads like wildfire and before a politician can even get an opportunity to address the information, either to confirm, deny, or explain, the public has already formed an opinion about the politician based on that information. However, when conducted on purpose, the spread of information on media for political means can help campaigns immensely. The Barack Obama presidential campaign, 2008, is considered to be one of the most successful in terms of social media. On the other hand, negative word-of-mouth in social media concerning a political figure can be very unfortunate for a politician and can cost the politician his/her career if the information is very damaging.[202] For example, Anthony Weiner’s use of the social media platform Twitter to send inappropriate messages eventually led to his resignation from U.S. Congress.[203]

Jump up ^ Sebastián, Valenzuela; Namsu Park; Kerk F. Kee (2009). “Is There Social Capital in a Social Network Site? Facebook Use and College Students’ Life Satisfaction, Trust, and Participation”. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 14 (4): 875–901. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2009.01474.x.

There’s endless reasons why digital marketing makes an excellent solution for so many businesses, but if you’re just getting started, here’s the two that will have the biggest impact on the way you market and sell to your customers. 

Many brands are now heavily using this mobile app to boost their marketing strategy. Instagram can be used to gain the necessary momentum needed to capture the attention of the market segment that has an interest in the product offering or services.[64] As Instagram is supported by Apple and android system, it can be easily accessed by smartphone users. Moreover, it can be accessed by the Internet as well. Thus, the marketers see it as a potential platform to expand their brands exposure to the public, especially the younger target group. On top of this, marketers do not only use social media for traditional Internet advertising, but they also encourage users to create attention for a certain brand. This generally creates an opportunity for greater brand exposure.[65] Furthermore, marketers are also using the platform to drive social shopping and inspire people to collect and share pictures of their favorite products. Many big names have already jumped on board: Starbucks, MTV, Nike, Marc Jacobs, and Red Bull are a few examples of multinationals that adopted the mobile photo app early. Fashion blogger Danielle Bernstein, who goes by @weworewhat on Instagram, collaborated with Harper’s Bazaar to do a piece on how brands are using Instagram to market their products, and how bloggers make money from it. Bernstein, who currently has one and a half million followers on Instagram, and whose “outfit of the day” photos on Snapchat get tens of thousands of screenshots, explained that for a lot of her sponsored posts, she must feature the brand in a certain number of posts, and often cannot wear a competitor’s product in the same picture. According to Harper’s Bazaar, industry estimates say that brands are spending more than $1 billion per year on consumer-generated advertising. Founder of Instagram Kevin Systrom even went to Paris Fashion week, going to couture shows and meeting with designers to learn more about how style bloggers, editors, and designers are currently dominating much of the content on his application.[66]

Hayat, T.; Samuel-Azran, T. (2017). “”You too, Second Screeners?” Second Screeners’ Echo Chambers During the 2016 U.S. Elections Primaries”. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 61 (2): 291–308. doi:10.1080/08838151.2017.1309417. ISSN 0883-8151.

We’ve all seen (and some of us have been) that person on Facebook — the over-sharer. Some of us may be happy to divulge every intimate detail of our personal lives; others are more private. Social networks for families (FamilyLeaf, MyFamily.com, Roo…

While these free social media courses are a good start, you can only get good at social media by regularly creating and sharing your own stories and content through blogging, visual content, and videos.

Twitter has changed dramatically over the years, and today it’s criticized a lot for going the way of looking and functioning almost exactly like Facebook. Besides Twitter Card integration, which now makes it easy to share all sorts of multimedia content in tweets, you can expect to see algorithmic timelines coming to Twitter as well. More »

You are never too old to get involved in social networking, and there are plenty of popular social networks to choose from, including niche social networks that focus on a specific theme or style of posting.

To achieve any of these Machine Learning scenarios, we can use Azure Data Lake to ingest the information from different sources, and use U-SQL to process the information and generate an output that can be processed by Azure Machine Learning.

Digital marketing became more sophisticated in the 2000s and the 2010s, when[10][11] the proliferation of devices’ capable of accessing digital media led to sudden growth.[12] Statistics produced in 2012 and 2013 showed that digital marketing was still growing.[13][14]

Jump up ^ Oberst, Ursala; Chamarro, Andres; Renau, Vanessa (2016). “Gender Stereotypes 2.0: Self-Representations of Adolescents on Facebook”. Media Education Research Journal. 24 (48): 81–89. doi:10.3916/c48-2016-08.

Social media marketing involves the use of social networks, consumer’s online brand-related activities (COBRA) and electronic word of mouth (eWOM)[83][84] to successfully advertise online. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter provide advertisers with information about the likes and dislikes of their consumers.[69] This technique is crucial, as it provides the businesses with a “target audience”.[69] With social networks, information relevant to the user’s likes is available to businesses; who then advertise accordingly. Activities such as uploading a picture of your “new Converse sneakers to Facebook[83]” is an example of a COBRA.[83][84] Electronic recommendations and appraisals are a convenient manner to have a product promoted via “consumer-to-consumer interactions.[83][83] An example of eWOM would be an online hotel review;[85] the hotel company can have two possible outcomes based on their service. A good service would result in a positive review which gets the hotel free advertising via social media. However, a poor service will result in a negative consumer review which can potentially harm the company’s reputation.

This is so well written Kevan! i love how you guys integrate your own graphics, which could act as stand alone content pieces for social postings to this post! I definitely agree that voice and tone and considering the “mindset divide” for various channels is so important!