Social Media in 2013: Not a Prediction

Posted on the 01 January 2013 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia

A common computer icon representing a speaker (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

At the beginning of each year, social media experts are asked to share their predictions for the next 12 months.

While I do not consider myself an expert, people keep expecting me to give mine.

Going against the order of things is something I have always done. So, instead of telling you what I think will happen, I will tell you what I wish would happen.

I wish more businesses rethought the way they do social media.

That they focused more on building communities of advocates and less on immediate financial gain.

That they stopped believing that quantity matters more than quality.

Quality still rules the world.

You will never meet your audience’s needs if all you do is prattle on social networks. And bragging about the greatness of your products and services instead of letting others speak for you is a sure way to sabotage your strategy.

Refocus your efforts. Ask questions, listen, be humble, and approachable. And most importantly, educate yourself.

Audiences pay attention to those who pay attention to them.

People do not want more noise in their social media streams. They want uplifting conversations and products that last.

They want their needs to be taken seriously.

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit” – Aristotle.

social media in 2013

This article by Cendrine Marrouat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.