Social Media for Social Good – Follow Us on Facebook

By Thesheltershack @sheltershack

The Shelter Shack is participating in a holiday blogging event for pets in need that is being put on by Two Little Cavaliers. This is a two week event which has a cash prize attached to it. The prize will be divied up between the winner and the winner’s 501(c)(3) animal charity of choice. The cash pot is at $112 to the winner and $213 to the winner’s charity of choice. This event is also a way for bloggers to build their fan base on various social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

The charity I am hoping to win the money for is Canine Lifeline. I am a co-founder of the organization and also a Board member. Canine Lifeline has been rescuing dogs from death row for a little over 2 years now. So far in 2011 we have rescued over 350 dogs from euthanasia. We regularly take on dogs with medical needs such as heartworm, demodectic mange, cherry eye, broken bones, etc. We affectionately refer to these dogs as our “Mended Mutts”.

Social Media for Social Good – Follow Us on FacebookPictured at left is one of our Mended Mutts, Toby, who came to us with a six pound tumor on his leg. We were able to get him the surgery needed to remove it and I’m happy to say it was not cancer. I’m also happy to say he has found his forever home. Canine Lifeline is an all volunteer organization that relies soley on donations for the care of our dogs, so winning this contest would be a big help.

If you would like to enter this contest, all you have to do is “Like” various Facebook pages listed in the Rafflecopter below. You’ll receive an entry for each Facebook page you like. You’ll also receive an entry if you add a comment below to this post. The winner will be chosen at random at the end of the two weeks. Stay tuned for your next chance to enter to win! Next up will be following Twitter accounts.

Social Media for Social Good – Follow Us on Facebook