I got this in the post yesterday.
A thank you for doing Live Below the Line earlier this year. It was a letter, a certificate ...
... and a glossy brochure telling me all about the work done by Action Against Hunger.
Yes, it did contain a plea for funds and a form to fill in to set up a direct debit, BUT and this is a great big BUT, I did not raise funds to be spent on postage, on paper and on printing magazines, I raised money to help in my small way, to try and stop some, any people being hungry in any way it was possible to help them.
Needless to say I will not be raising money for them again. I only hope that some of your, and that includes family, friends, and the lovely readers of my blog, hard earned money went to where it was supposed to go.
This is from someone who has worked in the charity sector for years and knows that some money has to be spent on fundraising and paying staff to do this work, but it does not have to be spent on unnecessary fripperies.
I do not, and never will support the charities that send me begging letters, send me free pens, and even in one case sent me FOUR letters all with a five pence coin stuck to them, that was twenty pence profit I made, perhaps twenty pence that some poor child dropped into a collection box from his spending money!!
And as for all the leaflets with the poor donkeys, horses, dogs, cats. tigers, abused children etc etc that clutter up every magazine that I get on subscription, if you stopped printing millions of leaflets you might be able to help the very animals and people that you spend so much time photographing.
And breathe ......
On a lighter note .... do you think this is fashion sense in ANY meaning of the word. Look at little Suky's face in the left hand corner of the photograph, it says it all.
" Dad ... you've been tangoed!! "
Sue xx