How is everyone doing this evening? We are busy as bees over here – I am doing prep work for my white fruit cake. Yep, fruit cake and you will not believe what’s in it or how wonderful it is! I took a fruit cake recipe and then tweaked it over the years and now it is my most requested item, except for my strawberry jam. It takes effort to make these wonderful little cakes and then……they are gone in a couple of days but It’s lighter and fluffier than you can imagine. Just wait till you see it.
Remember a few weeks ago when I showed you how I put up meat for my famous chili? When we watched the weather report tonight, Mr. Picky-eater was so happy to see that it was only going to be in the mid-60′s on Saturday and Sunday – making it perfect chili weather for football and so, he asked if I would make some on Friday. You see, this chili is sooooooooooo complex, you have to make it one day and then let it percolate and marinate in the fridge for about 24 hours and then it is superb! I can’t wait to share that recipe with you.
Finally, on Saturday Top Girl and Rocket are coming over and we are having a marathon Halloween baking session – each of which will become a post – complete with pictures including Rocket in his great Halloween costume. He’s a dragon this year. When my boss asked me what he was going to be this year and I told him – he said, “of course, wasn’t he born in the year of the dragon?” My reply is that this is more about his Geeky mother and he fascination with Fantasy/Science Fiction, but yes, he was born in the year, month, and day of the dragon, which is very important to his other grandmother.