So Why Follow Us On Twitter?

By Lwblog @londonwalks

Here's a little follow-up to our What We Do & Why We Blog post from a few weeks ago…
What We Do… On Twitter
Of all social media platforms outside our blog, we're most active on Twitter. We Tweet several times a day every day.
We are @londonwalks.
So why follow us?
   Whenever our blog is updated, you'll be notified straight away on Twitter via the post headline and a link.
   LW's  David is prone to sudden fits of poetry and philosophical insight. So rather than grab passing strangers by the lapels and sharing his enthusiasm with them (his previous modus operandi) he now fires 'em out on Twitter. Like this...

The London paradox: it's hoary with age but doesn't seem to age. Or maybe it's just that it ages well. The eternal youth composting its past
— London Walks (@londonwalks) January 6, 2014

And like this...
English is older than cathedrals, tougher than dragoons & commandos, as flexible as music; & it underpins every variety of English behaviour
— London Walks (@londonwalks) December 20, 2013

And like this...

All history, seen from the bottom, is fearful.
— London Walks (@londonwalks) December 11, 2013

  We share great London stuff. Like this...

The inevitable indignity of being a statue. Here's Agatha - or Fagatha -Christie smoking. Whodunit?
— London Walks (@londonwalks) February 7, 2014

  As well as telling you stuff, we also want to pick your brains on everything from London's best fish and chip shop to London's best songs...
@londonwalks Warwick Avenue by Duffy. Had it in my head all thru your Little Venice walk!
— Joanne Wood (@MistressJoJo) March 8, 2013

...and films...

@londonwalks. Difficuilt. Italian job : love Mr. Bridger character.
— John Wills (@cfcjohn49) May 8, 2013

• Here's a good example of what we do on Twitter:
Pól Ó Conghaile was looking for good restaurant recommendations in Shoredicth and Camden.

@londonwalks Sounds great! Recommend anywhere in Camden or Shoreditch? #londonbytwitter
— Pól Ó Conghaile (@poloconghaile) February 28, 2014

David (who was in Spain at the time!) picked up the Tweet and emailed London Walks foodie expert Ann who came back with the recommendations!

@poloconghaile Ok Pól, Ann's got back to me. Camden first: Camden: York & Albany (Gordon Ramsay)
— London Walks (@londonwalks) February 28, 2014
@poloconghaile And Shoreditch: Dishoom (trendy Indian), Poppies (fish & chips), Galvin La Chapelle (lovely room, interesting modern food)
— London Walks (@londonwalks) February 28, 2014

That's what we do on Twitter: great guiding, of course.
What we DON'T do on Twitter
We try to respond to every Tweet we receive, but if you need to contact London Walks URGENTLY then it is always best to call. If you've arrived late and can't find your guide or if you've been separated from your group call 020 7624 3978.
There's a row of colourful circles at the bottom of this post – each one represents a social media platform. Have a click around and see what we're up to. Next time, we'll explain what we do on Facebook.
Happy Londoning,
The Editor
A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at