So Whats up with Glued Down Foil Wrappers on Beer Bottles?

By Bolanrox

I understand it looks pretty, and I guess serves a function of keeping the bottle cap clean, but what is the point of having foil on the bottle really.

I am especially talking about the ones that are glued down, meaning there is no way in hell you can get it all off without some flecks getting stuck to the rim of the bottle.

Forget even trying to drink from the bottle, even pouring them I am worried that some of the flecks are going to fall in. If you are putting it on the bottle to keep it clean and tidy until you are ready to drink one, that purpose is instantly defeated the second you go to do just that.

I have even seen a few times where the glue / whatever was already causing the bottle cap to rust a bit. It was not an old bottle either, this was a just got on shelves two days before, and was bottled that month type of bottle.

I think it is Unibroue that has them but makes it so easy to take off that the foil does not even deform in the slightest when you pull it off.if you are going to have them this is the way to go.

Is foil gluing that much cheaper and faster than wax dipping?