So what's next?...
Here are just a few of the things I've done so far in my training:
- My First Flight Lesson
- My First Solo Flight (+Video)
- My First Dual Cross Country Flight
- My First Instrument Flight Lesson
- My First Flight into a Towered, Class D Airport
- My First "Off-Airport" Solo Flight
- My First Solo Cross Country Flight (to Farmville)
- My First Flight into a Class C Airport (KRIC)
- My First Glider Flight Lesson
My goal is to complete my Private Pilot Training and receive the license on or around my 17th Birthday, this February (2014). Here is what I have left to do in order to get the full license:
- Finish instrument training
- Night flying
- More solo cross country flights
- A "long" solo cross country flight (over 150nm and into 3 airports)
- Pass the FAA Written Exam (not taken yet)
- Pass the private pilot oral and flight test
As of now, I have 23.6 hours total flight time including 6 solo flight hours. To complete my Private Pilot training, I have to have a total of 40 hours flight time (there are sub-requirements within this hour total). In this, I will now be flying an average of 1 hour per week in order to complete my training on time. I can't wait to have my full Private Pilot's License!
Every time I get up into the air, I start to feel more and more like a "real" pilot. I'm so grateful for the incredible opportunity I have in flying, it's really making me into who I am as a person.
Thanks so much for reading! More articles to come soon!,
-Swayne Martin
Twitter: @MartinsAviation
Email Me: swaynem13@gmail.comSo what do I look forward to the most with the Private Pilot's License?... Finally being able to fly with these people!: