So What’s Next?

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

So here’s where we stand in the 101 Books project.

Before my hiatus, I started At Swim Two Birds, so I’ve made good headway into that and will hopefully finish it up soon. From there, here’s what’s left:

The Adventures of Augie March (1953) by Saul Bellow

The Berlin Stories (1946) by Christopher Isherwood

Gravity’s Rainbow (1973) by Thomas Pynchon

Herzog (1964) by Saul Bellow

Light in August (1932) by William Faulkner

The Man Who Loved Children (1940) by Christina Stead

The Recognitions (1955) by William Gaddis

The Sheltering Sky (1949) by Paul Bowles

To The Lighthouse (1927) by Virginia Woolf

Tropic of Cancer (1934) by Henry Miller

Under the Net (1954) by Iris Murdoch

White Noise (1985) by Don DeLillo

I’ve got to say: I thought I had a pretty good strategy tackling the list–looking to leave some interesting novels for the end. However, I’m not so sure how that played out in reality.

I wasn’t a fan of my first Virginia Woolf novel (Mrs. Dalloway), and I still have another left to read (To The Lighthouse). I’ve heard horrible things about Tropic of Cancer.

I just wasn’t fan of Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Will Light in August be any better? I’m intrigued by Gravity’s Rainbow, but it’s a beast. The Recognitions is another beast. And the rest I just don’t know a lot about.

So we’ll see how it goes down the stretch here. What do you guys think about the remaining novels?
