So What Happens Next? I Dunno!

By Davidduff

Well, that's not quite true.  Having watched a disdainful Obama last night in a performance which would have made Queen Victoria look positively common there can be no doubt that he will regally refuse to give an inch and claim the Right of Divine Presidential Rule which he has followed religiously for the past six years.  Back in the day, us Brits knew how to deal with that sort of thing - we chopped their heads off!  But, does the GOP know how to deal with it?  That is the great question for the next two years.

It is important to realize that Obama has nothing to lose by sticking rigidly to his Left-wing agenda.  It will probably inflict collateral damage on 'HillBilly' and her campaign but how many nano-seconds of sleep will he lose over that, think you?  Should even a smidgeon of reasonableness creep out from under his robes of state the GOP should tread on it quickly.  It is important to paint Obama as red, or Red, in tooth and claw and even the Congressional Republican party ought to be able to do that!  The more executive orders he issues and the more vetoes he signs, the better.  Each and everyone will divide the Dems internally between the 'sensibles' and the 'looneys' and poor 'HillBilly' will spin on the spot.

All that is fairly easy but the difficult part is for the Congressional GOP to unite behind a sensible, conservative programme, not too extreme (for now!) that will attract a critical mass from the worried, disappointed and bewildered electorate who are still coming to terms with the fact that that nice, college-educated, black kid that made them feel good about themselves when they voted for him turned out to be as thick as a sack of spanners and as ruthless as any ruler south of the Rio Grande!  Above and beyond all things, they must choose their presidential candidate  (Gov. Walker) in an open and fair procedure which allows the hopefuls to stand or fall on their own ideas rather than degenerating into a blood-fest as they tear each other to pieces.

Yes, you're right, I'm not hopeful but once upon a dream we had Ronnie Reagan and who would have bet on that?