So, this week has been interesting so far. I already told you all that I'm giving up pokémon, but now... maybe it's just me being weak, but I sort of want to go back to it. The problem was I got too obsessed with it- it became addicting and too much of a priority. Could I still play it and work harder on putting it in its place? Or, should I stand firm to the conviction I think God gave me this Sunday? Man, I'm asking the Internet for justification. Forget I asked. It's between me and God.
Other than that, I have returned to piano lessons, only with a different teacher. I like her better so far! Instead of going along with a curriculum from a book, she lets me choose the pieces that I like which she thinks I can do with only a little bit of challenge, and she'll teach me what she thinks I need. I'm again remembering my love of music.
Last night, I went to a junior high football game with some other seniors from my church. A guy in our youth group was on the team, so we went to cheer him on. My alma mater -if you can call a junior high that- won, and it was pretty cool and fun. On the way home, I dropped someone off, out of the way. I got out my phone for GPS, and accidentally changed one number in my street address, and it took me somewhere I didn't recognize AT ALL. It was frustrating, and kind of scary. I got home, though.
Then, today. It was average, as days go- except I missed See You at the Pole due to my early class- until my last class. I had finished my work early, and had decided to rest my head on my desk, since I didn't have any other work or a book I wanted to read. Next thing I knew, my teacher was shaking me awake after the bell had rung. She asked me if I was on medication! Embarrassing.
Anyway, tonight is church, and a special night at that, so I am excited! Ttyl!