Having rid ourselves of the Language Commissars, the next lot on my list of undesirables are all those Health Commissars who never cease their prating about our unhealthy life styles and issue a steady stream of directives as to how we should change our habits because they cause cancer. Today, some medical-scientific swots who obviously failed to read their politically correct guidance notes have issued a report saying that most cancers are just down to sheer bad luck! Those pesky genes - or whatever - just roll along the green baize of life and if they come up double-six then - bingo! - you win the 'prize' of cancer.
And that, according to some other medical swot may not be such a bad thing because death by cancer has its advantages, well, in so far as death by anything has any advantages, because in the vast majority of cases today it can be managed fairly painlessly and provides the patient with time for farewells, for contemplation, for setting affairs in order and all those sorts of things which being flattened by a No. 16 bus does not!
Well, I don't know whether any of that is right or wrong but if it shuts up those nagbags f0rever telling me how to live my life then it has to be "A Good Thing". And it reminds me that in all my past arguments debates with Health Commissars I have always asked the same question in regard to smoking and lung cancer - is their a specific micro-biological-chemical re-action which kicks off cancer in smokers that is different from non-smokers? Answer came there none so I remain of the view that whether or not you smoke has no causal effect on the development of lung cancer.