So Long Summer Vacation, Hello Fall Semester!

Posted on the 31 July 2012 by Candornews @CandorNews

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Getting ready for school doesn’t have to be all work and no play! I’ve got you covered with these basics.

It’s that time of year, y’all. While the hot and humid weather may be around for a few more months, summer vacation is coming to a close. I know many of you are sad to leave summer behind, but it’s time to get ready for the new school year. Whether you’re still in high school or you’re heading off to a college campus, here are five ways to start the year off right!

1) Invest in a planner. This is essential to juggling your course load, social life, and keeping up with your mother’s birthday. Brownie points if you send her some flowers! In all seriousness, pick up a planner that has a monthly overview, as well as a week-by-week breakdown. Fill it in ahead of time with exam dates, when term papers and projects are due, and write out what homework assignments you have (and when they’re due). Leave some room for the party schedule.

2) Become a bag lady/bring on the murse. There’s no shame in having a man purse, and this is the only time I’ll ever deem unreasonably large handbags necessary. As students, we have a lot of stuff. A LOT. Somehow, we’re expected to cram all of our necessary textbooks, binders and notebooks, pens and whatnot, as well as a laptop, all in one bag. Maybe even a lunch! And don’t get me started on all of the additional things girls carry around; no, they’re not optional, and don’t you dare poke around in my purse. Treat yourself to a cute backpack or a trendy tote bag. The last thing you want is an eyesore full of frustrating schoolwork.

3) Get an alarm clock. No, you may not use your phone. Unless, of course, you’re like me, and use your phone because you know it’s the one thing you won’t throw across the room… though I may be guilty of that, too. Needless to say, I do not like alarm clocks. Too often, these mechanical devils interrupt the shameless affair I’m having with my bed. Unfortunately, alarm clocks are a necessary evil. After all, punctuality is key to academic and professional success. If you already have an alarm clock, good for you! Here’s a tip: it doesn’t do you any good until you take it out of the packaging.

4) Make a playlist. Playlists are great. You can make them for anything; getting ready in the morning, cleaning up your room, bathing your cat- you name it. If you’re a college student, you definitely need some good tunes for those rainy walks across campus and, ahem, maybe even that walk of shame Saturday morning. These songs provide the soundtrack to your life. Choose responsibly, and choose to be awesome.

5) Set up a lunch date. The first day back isn’t about the syllabi or the visit to the university bookstore; it’s about seeing all of your friends! It doesn’t matter if you’re hitting up the caf or eating lunch out on the quad, the last thing you want is to eat by yourself. Stop hiding behind your phone and actually socialize. Let’s prove to our parents that face-to-face conversation still exists within our age group.