So Long Summer

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

Amy Havins wears a striped tibi skirt and white tee shirt.Amy Havins wears a striped tibi skirt and white tee shirt.Amy Havins wears a striped tibi skirt and white tee shirt.Amy Havins wears a striped tibi skirt and white tee shirt.Amy Havins wears a striped tibi skirt and white tee shirt. Havins wears a striped tibi skirt and white tee shirt.tee shirt // skirt // hermes sandals // prada tote

Although the last official day of summer is not until September 22, for me after Labor day (and my birthday), I always feel like summer is over. For me personally, saying goodbye to this summer (and summer in general) is always bittersweet. I love the summer time but I do enjoy the cooler temperatures and outdoor time that fall brings in Texas. This year in particular I am SO sad that summer is over because I can honestly say it is the best summer we have had in a long time.

Since this was pretty much our first ‘real’ summer with baby Ralph, I think that is why we the best time. We got to take him on a handful of trips the last few months and actually enjoy distraction free time with him. We did take him to LA in the middle of the summer, so he got to enjoy his second trip there but we ended up spending the majority of our summer in Idaho, so baby Ralph got to play outside ALL DAY because the weather was perfect. I can honestly say that he enjoyed it just as much as we did!

I know summers will get more and more fun as he gets older but I cannot even begin to explain how much fun we had with him this summer. We love that sweet baby boy of ours so much and cannot wait to create just as wonderful memories with him as the fall season approaches!

images by beckley