So Long and Thanks for the Mammaries

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

I’m writing this sitting in my hospital bed, the night after my breast reduction surgery. I’m still mentally coming to terms with what I’ve done, after a lifetime of overly large breasts and in many ways my breasts have defined part of who I am (just as I was a brunette and am now a blonde). I have only experienced adult life as a large busted woman. This journey of changing my image has been quite quick in some respects.

So far I’m not experiencing much pain, I’m sure due to the excellent pain management available here in hospital. I gave some swelling beside my breasts, under my arms where the drains come out. I’m having difficulty sleeping as I have some anti-deep vein thrombosis contraptions strapped to my legs which constantly inflate and deflate to massage my legs and keep the blood flowing, but they sure are noisy. Plus I spent the first 7 hours post-surgery asleep as the remaining anaesthetic left my system.