So Long and Thanks For All The Fish and Chips

Posted on the 25 November 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
  So there is a deal with Iran. Yee-haw.  Israel is not too impressed but is fairly busy right now pulling all the knives out of its back. So who knows how this will all proceed. One thing I didn't expect to see was a WARNING from the increasingly lousy Brits. Yes, a WARNING that Israel should not do anything that would undermine the deal of the century.
Britain to Israel: Don't undermine Iran nuclear deal
UK's Hague warns Israel of acting out, says 'would discourage anybody from taking any steps to undermine agreement'. Hezbollah: 'Deal is major victory for Iran, defeat for enemies' 
As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly announces Israel is not bound to nuclear deal signed between world powers and Iran in Geneva, the West now cautions Netanyahu of carrying out an operation that would challenge the deal he dubbed "a historic mistake". Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague said on Monday that Israel should avoid taking any action that would undermine the interim nuclear agreement reached between Iran and world powers. Urging world leaders to give the interim deal a chance, Hague said it was important to try to understand those who opposed the agreement. But he urged Israel and others to confine their criticism to rhetoric.
"We would discourage anybody in the world, including Israel, from taking any steps that would undermine this agreement and we will make that very clear to all concerned," Hague told parliament. 
Hague, who gave an update on the nuclear talks in Geneva, added he had not seen any signs that any country opposed to the agreement would try to disrupt it "in any practical way", but said Britain would be "on its guard".
On its guard for Iran?  Screw Britain... but thanks for all the fish and chips.