So I'm Getting Back Into Running... Now What?

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey Loveys,
So as you can see from my title, I've been running. I ran on Sunday which is the last time I posted as well, and then I ran again tonight. Let me tell you about tonight's run.
I spent the day in training so I was dying to get some exercise in by the time I got home. As soon as I got home I changed, charged my GPS watch, re-downloaded the software for it and it updated the GPS in the watch. If you've been following me for a while you know that I've had some not-so-lucky experiences with my GPS watch, so I was nervous to take it out.. but worst case scenario was that I just time myself and calculate the distance when I got home. Well.... it totally worked!! I'm SO excited to FINALLY have my GPS back so I can see how far I run outside!!! You have no idea.. I'M SO HAPPY!!!
So I decided to run along the water instead of through the city since my GPS was working (running through the city is easier to calculate when you don't have a GPS because you can remember what streets you run on, as opposed to just running along the trail which isn't as easy to calculate as they have more twists and turns than the actual street it's beside). It was beautiful out. Blue sky, sun was shining but it was a bit chilly because of the wind so I had brought my Under Armour running gloves. So there I am, running, running, running... tired. I look down and it's like 6 minutes in. Haha.. wonderful. So clearly all my stamina and endurance has left. I figured that was going to be the case, but during my last run, after my first walk break I was golden for the rest of the run. Maybe it was because I didn't have any stoplights on the trail that it seemed harder. I don't know. There was a ton of people out running and biking which was AWESOME, but I felt like everyone was passing me.
I ended up walking about every 9 minutes for 1 minute, with a few additional walk breaks... I couldn't help it. I'm clearly not conditioned for running anymore so I have to get back into it. I think the run back after the half-way mark was better than running the first half. I ended up pumping out a 6km run in 38:26. Not my best work, but as one of my followers on Instagram mentioned, I kicked ass compared to everyone sitting on the couch not doing anything tonight. SO THERE! :). Lol. And I can't be hard on myself at all, 6km is pretty damn good for a second run after a winter of hibernation.

I was so sweaty when I got home, I had to walk around the condo. Then because I was so tired I decided to lay in bed with my feet up on the wall lol. I felt great though, it was amazing to get back out there and hit the pavement. After I plugged my GPS into the computer, this is what popped up - so you can all see my run and my time and my pace and my calories.

You're welcome. I know you needed some sort of #proof. As you can also see, I haven't registered a run since the end of October. Epic fail. Oh well. What matters is I'm back and it feels great! So you may or may not be wondering.... now what? I'm back into running, feeling great.
You know what? I have no idea.
I thought about maybe training for a half-marathon in the fall... but I don't know. I think for now I just want to comfortably get back into running a solid 10km and see where that takes me. The Toronto Yonge St. 10km is in like 3ish weeks so that's my main goal now. I've never ran through the summer before and obviously I don't want to be tied down to the through of a training schedule during the summer, so we'll see. I will be keeping at it for sure... but who knows. Maybe a 15km race in August? I'll keep you posted. :) My current goal is running outside 4x/week for the next 4 weeks. I've clocked 2 runs this week already!
So today I attended my first of two days of training that a lot of people at GoodLife have taken and I've heard nothing but amazing things about. The training is called Crucial Confrontations and I've learned SO MUCH already! It's meant to help you deal with conversations or situations with people that you don't want to deal with but want to push off and hopefully ignore forever. I'm totally like this, I hate confrontation on all levels... however, today already has given me so many tools to help me STOP ignoring confrontations and to help build relationships on both professional and personal levels.

Those are my books/CDs so I can forever know how to handle a tough situation! Haha. Awesome... Most people I work with have taken the course (including C) so I can't pull my magic on them. Darn it.
Anyways I'm off to cook up some sweet Plantains for dinner. I hope you're all having a great week!
Have you ever taken any self-development courses? What were your favourites?