So I'm Excited About A Mop

By Parentingsmh @parentingsmh

I'm a little sad that I've been so busy I missed my very own blogoversary.  It's officially been over a year since starting this little ole blog and for what it's worth, I'm pretty happy with it.  Now I'm not balling or making money, or anything, but, I have made some pretty sweet connections online and I've already gone to my first conference, and I'm off to another one next month (BlogHer '12 here I come) to hopefully make some new relationships a little stronger.   Even though I'm not getting any book deals or anything, I'm totally excited about getting chosen by Mom Central for my first review program.  Today I received a Hoover TwinTank Steam Mop and I couldn't be more excited.     I know it doesn't sound very glamorous, but, here's some perspective: 1. I live in a condo - it's pretty large, but only one floor, no real family room - dust and everything else travels from room to room 2. I have bamboo floors - I know what you're thinking, ooh girl, look at you with your bamboo floors, but no, it's not that great.  I mean, it's definitely great to look at but, it makes me kind of house conscious when the floor is a mess.  I see it, and worst of all, I feel it ... under my feet, so I can get a little obsessed about sweeping and such. 3. Um, have you seen these boys?  Not the poster children for cleanliness, that's for sure.
Over the years, I've bought just about every type of mop I could find trying to make cleaning my floors a little less like a chore.  you name it, I've bought it-  Swiffer, Clorox, Mop and Glow, etc., so I'm pretty siked to have something as heavy duty as a Hoover to give a whirl. Writing this post is not part of the program, but I couldn't help myself, I had to share.  If you live in a home with a hard surface, you know the drama of the two step cleaning process and how many times, you just down right skip a step.  Sweep, mop, what's the difference, just get it clean, right?
Do you have a favorite cleaning tool?  What is it?