SO Fab U On the Road Atlanta!

By Djrelat7 @djrelat7

You're not going to believe this but after over 5+ years of blogging, I have yet to go to a blogging event. I came pretty close to going to one but then it sold out. I was talking to my friend Joyce over at about blogging events in general and she told me all about the So Fab U On the Road Atlanta event coming up in September. Read on for more details.

Social Fabric is the community brand for Collective Bias. The community brings you the latest in what's happening with big companies like Coca Cola, Walmart, Tyson and the list goes on. I mentioned them when I gave tips on how to avoid getting colds. They put on conferences to educate the Social Fabric community on getting their stories across effectively and to introduce them to key people who are doing big things. Before I wander off on too much of a tangent, Joyce shared a video with me.

Here's Joyce explaining a bit more about the So Fab U On the Road Atlanta event:

Blogging conferences are so important for taking your writing and skills for running a site to the next level. While I have yet to go to one, I do know that educating yourself and staying relevant in your craft will take you much further than if you did nothing at all to improve. I hope to one day be able to afford to go to one, in the meantime, I will continue to learn from others who do attend them.

So what do we know so far about So Fab U on the Road Atlanata?

What: So Fab U On The Road Atlanta

When: September 19th, 2015

Where: Atlanta, GA

Do you blog? Have you ever been to a blogging event? What did you hear at one that catapulted your writing career?

Until then,

PS: Ok now you can head on over to Joyce's site to read how to Register for "SO Fab U On the Road Atlanta" to Learn About Making Money with a Blog. She gives tips on where to stay if you're not local to Atlanta and how to get around if you are. She's even presenting! Click here!

blogging eventsCollective BiasconferencesSo Fab U On the Road AtlantaSocial FabricTake Charge Tuesday