Snowed In

By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

You may have heard… the East Coast was supposed to get a lot of snow this weekend. And it happened.

I was supposed to go out with my lady friends for some fancy cocktails and then meet B for “date night.” But, the subways started shutting down in my neighborhood and the snow was getting really heavy. So, we decided to play it safe, and B and I went out for sushi instead. We got some special rolls with fancy sauce, and drank some Japanese beer. (Er, I drank a few sips and poured the rest into B’s glass.)

This morning, we woke up to a winter wonderland.

A slippery, slippery wonderland!

When we moved into our apartment, it was early December and the thought of snow was still a ways away. Snow boots were far from my mind, so I didn’t even think to bring them from my parents’ place. Whoops. So, today we were housebound.

But no matter! I woke up with pancakes on the brain. Specifically, these 2-Ingredient pancakes I’ve seen all over the internet.

I used the food processor for an extra smooth batter, and heated the pan juuuuust right.

I eve made a little blackberry syrup, by microwaving a cup of frozen blackberries with vanilla extract for 2 minutes.

Well, the pancakes just wouldn’t “cake.” I tried four times, but they all ended up going to the pancake gods. B must have flipped them the last time we made pancakes, because I just couldn’t get them to turn out right. And, I will admit, I got pretty cranky about it.

So we called to see if our bagel place was delivering despite the snow, and breakfast was saved. There are few things a whole wheat everything bagel with vegetable tofu cream cheese (and COFFEE!) can’t fix.

So despite being snowed in, it was a cozy, cozy morning. B read, I wrote a paper (and watched Girls).

I love you, Saturday.