Snowboarding Or Skiing After Pregnancy?

Posted on the 03 January 2016 by Dave Nevue

Planning to hit the slopes? If you gave birth recently you should definitely be aware of the weakness of your postpartum body. Make sure that your inner abdominal muscles are reactivated and strengthened before hitting the slopes, how to do it? Check out my Post-Pregnancy Belly Guide and learn all you need to know. As most physical activities skiing requires core stability and you don't want to risk hurting your postpartum abdominals.

As for myself I went snowboarding about five months after my first pregnancy and I discovered that my postpartum body was yet not stabile to do it. I also experienced quite a lot of pelvic girdle pain when doing certain movements because of the stance between the feet. When doing it again I was about one year postpartum and although I had recovered my core strength I could still feel the pelvic girdle pain. Not nice.

So which one is kinder to the post-pregnancy body?

I think that skiing is a better option both in terms of core stability and pelvic girdle pain. Snowboarding requires much more core stability and is definitely harder on your pelvic floor because of the stance.

I still think snowboarding is so much more fun though!!

//Nicole Hellgren