Snow, What Are You Doing?

Posted on the 20 January 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

So, you're all snowed in and you've no work to go to...
I mean, it's proper sad that, if this continues for too long, the repayments on your home (which you RENT on a 25-year lease) or your car (which you never legally own, only license) will be in jeopardy, your family will go hungry and your boss is gonna be looking for an employee who can combat this foul weather more successfully that you, to 'make it in' like a good little slave to profit.
But (ignoring all that invented nonsense, all that pap) what are you doing, with yourself, with your family, with your community, today, while you're probably not at school, college, work? While you're momentarily unburdened of the neck-breaking yoke?
Have you started to realize what a life on a Free Planet might be like, were you brave enough to make a stand and say to those weaklings you've voted into power, "Enough is enough, you've had enough of our money and you've done FUCK ALL OF GOOD with it," have you started to use your enormous intellect to 'come up with real local solutions' that might get your face off the corporate grindstone?
I don't mean that the people should go out into the streets in rebellion or protest, because we all know THAT'S NO FUCKING USE and you'll just all find yourselves facing a firing squad for sedition. See, it's 0719 hours and already my dander is up. I keep on 'being reminded' that, no matter what clever psycho-sociological argument Organised Crime in the form of the queen's government (yes, it's hers) throws in mankind's path, the truth is this, "This is a Free Planet," and, if you want to, you YOURSELVES, the unique and wondrous seven billion inhabitants of Earth, can go out and attempt to join together to make this place, our near-ruined homeworld, a totally much better place.
Dead simple logic.
"Mike, why do you think this is a Free Planet, when it's clearly not?" I hear this all the time. And it's not even the issue. More, it should be a case of, "Why do You The People think this is a Private Planet, owned by the few so that they can live in luxury and you can starve and freeze to death?"
Seriously, is it not even momentarily evident to you (the) people? Can you not see the reality of where you live? It's a big round cooling rock in the middle of a massive solar system at the outer extreme of a massive spiral galaxy somewhere in the middle of literally billions of other galaxies. I'm not trying to highlight the insignificance of Human Plight here, I'm trying to make you SEE where you are, and where we've really gone sour as a supposedly intelligent race. I'm trying to highlight your broken world, so that you'll understand that there's a better life.
Chasing our tails like ring worm-infested dogs, scratching our mange-ridden hides, pulling that dog sled, literally biting the chains of the heavy load with the teeth of our own mouth, hearing all the enamel chip and flake as we pull the CORPORATE WAR MACHINE into place, to ruin another country, another location of dwindling assets, a prime location for Extinction Economics.
Are you sitting there, in your snow-bound homes, this morning, because you can find nothing better to do? Or are you wondering, "How can I make a Free Planet exist?"
Don't, it already exists, you just have to embrace the concept, and by that I mean TOTALLY STOP FUNDING THE MURDERERS AND THE INSANE GAME PLAYERS who are slaughtering the free spirit of mankind, enslaving your minds and tainting your future like a poison apple that nobody will want to bite into. Making you live on a rotten core of microwave radiation, just for their financial benefit.
Snow, what will you be doing, after reading this?