Snow Day Craft

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
Snowed in ????
No office, no school, no day care?   Wandering around the house clueless what to do to keep your lil one entertained ? Well, then you have all the stars in your favor as you stopped by this blog.

I have a fun and an easy craft that will keep your lil one as well as you hooked up for sometime. The added bonus,  you are bound to have pretty much all the craft stuff at home..

For this project you would need :-

A picture frame - I used a thin border frame coz that's the one I had at home.
Empty egg carton - I had the bigger one, the dozen egg carton.
Pair of scissors- use the sharpest that you have
Colorful paint- I used acrylic for its opaqueness, you could use any.
Paint brushes
Embellishments, buttons, feathers- whatever you could get hands on.
Begin with deconstructing the carton. Remove the top cover and cut leaves out of them. Cut the portions that hold the egg and trim them to your desired flower shapes. A sharp scissor will come in handy here as a blunt one will only make the task difficult. So get the sharpest scissor possible. 
At this point your lil one can step in and help you color the flowers. Don' t thin the paint a lot as you want to avoid showing the carton through the paint. Let them dry. Acrylic dries up fast so I could get to gluing the embellishments in less than 20 mins. 
Now comes the artsy part. Use your creative self to arrange and lay the flowers randomly at any corner of the frame. Once the pattern is set, use some good quality glue to adhere the flowers to the frame and voila !!

A piece of art made from scrap.....

 Hope you like this innovative and kid-friendly project !

Thanks for stopping by

artfully yours