Snow Day

By Sweetapple19 @sweetappleyard

Yesterday morning, I felt excitement like I haven't felt in a long time. I resembled a small child at Christmas. After peeling back the curtains, what lay before me made my heart flutter. Snow everywhere and falling hard from the sky. I leaped and yelled and ran around the house. I couldn't get dressed fast enough, actually attempting to pull my pants on over my PJs. I had snow brain! Then, camera in hand, I was out the door, vanishing into the winter wonderland. I don't know why I love snow so much. I think it reminds me of when I was little. Everybody had to stay home from work/school and this put the family in a great mood. After playing in the snow, we would cosy up inside next to the fire together.
Now when it snows, I find it awfully romantic. Stepping outside into the quiet. So quiet you can only hear the wind in the trees and the snow pat the ground. Apart from the occasional child yelling due to a head trauma from a sibling and a snowball. Magic.
I wandered for two hours, taking photos. As you may have noticed, I was obsessed with the snow sky. My camera caught the clouds so vividly. Snow is actually difficult to photograph. The glare means you have to constantly adjust the shutter speed when shooting on manual. But it was worth it. I now have these memories forever. A snow day through my eyes.  And a picture of my flatmates boots, which I thought were outrageously wonderful. 
My feet started to go numb and like a sign from the universe, I walked past No. 7 cafe and it was open, with the fire raging. I ordered chocolate brownie and coffee and thawed in a seat next to the fire. Surrounded by other wanderers and a sea of gumboots.
The best part about snow, is playing in it as long as you possibly can before your fingers start to lose feeling. Then retiring to a warm room and a blanket to snuggle under for the rest of the day and well into the night. While watching the flakes fall wildly outside your window.
Much love XX