But with snow and tropical plants comes some interesting photo opportunities, the picture above is pretty much from the doors of the conservatory, most of the plants in the garden should be unaffected by the weather (the lowest temperature has been -7C / 19f, so cold but not too bad. The more tender plants are mostly tucked up in greenhouses, although theres the odd one that we had hoped would be fine still out. Lets see what happens when it warms up.
As you can see in the photo above, not even the cats have made a mark in the snow, this path is usually their highway to exploring neighbouring gardens. The cats have pretty much stayed in - occasionally begging to go out, before changing their minds pretty quickly when given an opportunity!
Slightly unusual for us, we have some ice on the pond, this is the goldfish pond and moving water usually stops it from freezing. The large koi pond was ice free - but it does have a roof over it.
I doubt we will be sitting out much just yet!, but hopefully the spring like weather will be here soon!