Snoozing the Night Away

By Sue15cat

These two cutie pies took to the cushion on the sofa at about six o'clock last night, straight after their evening meal and their evening constitutional around the paddock, yes Ginger the cat comes on doggy walks too.

They snoozed and snoozed the evening away ....

... until my bedtime, by which time they were oblivious to all around them, totally flaked out, but still sharing their favorite cushion..

This morning, thank goodness we are all much more awake, and my job for the day is to sort through my lovely large seed collection to plan out what I will be sowing first in the polytunnel.  I meant to do it yesterday but I got waylaid with other things.  If I'm not careful today ....

.... I may get waylaid by the view from the conservatory window.
It's real April showers here today, a few weeks early I know but one minute we've got sunshine and the next the heavens open.  Which at least means there are lots of rainbows colouring up the sky.
Not a bad day to be sitting inside playing and planning.
Sue xx