Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

By Lemon_sugar

Hey, ya'll! It's been a little bit since we talked last, no? So much has happened in the last month. I've been sick, twice. Like, fever-bronchitis sick. We got a puppy. The girls had two weeks of double dance classes, followed by recital. Weekends have been full of family gatherings and weekdays have been full of yard-work, work-work, and lots of coughing.


I feel like I'm always writing about how busy we are, but I don't mean to. Everyone is busy, and my busy is no different than yours. I'm just missing my free time, I guess - but I'm mostly missing blogging and baking! When life picks up the pace a bit and we're feeling over-scheduled - unfortunately the blog has to give a bit. But you guys are great, you keep coming back and commenting - asking questions and looking up recipes from the archives. THANKS for being awesome.

So, lets talk about these cuppies, okay? Okay.

Snickerdoodle cookies are one of my all-time faves. I love the soft, pillowy sugar cookie infused with warm, spicy cinnamon. Looove it. This cupcake is just more of what makes a Snickerdoodle awesome. The frosting is a standard vanilla buttercream with a healthy dose of cinnamon mixed in - which makes these even more appealing. They're easy.

I love to top the frosting with an extra sprinkle of cinnamon and then a generous dash of turbinado sugar - it makes the cupcakes shimmer a bit and makes them a bit fancy.

Fancy cupcakes just taste better, don't they?

Well - maybe I should re-phrase. Fancy HOMEMADE cupcakes just tasted better.

Really, the only thing I would change about these cupcakes would be the addition of some color - probably just a different color cupcake liner would solve the problem, but as you can see, they are a bit beige. Which is totally cool for a Snickerdoodle, but still.

These would also be pretty (and fancy!) with a cinnamon stick as garnish. Or, oooh- maybe a cinnamon stick with a little washi flag on top? A colorful washi flag? Yup.

I hope you love this recipe - it's super easy! You don't even need much free time to whip them up - so they're a GREAT busy-week cupcake!