Sneak Peek at New Shoes for Women and Men - Vote for a Name!

By Softstar @Soft_Star_Shoes

We have a special treat for all of our Soft Star fans. As some of you may know, we've been working on a Mary Jane shoe design that features an interior seam for a classier look.  This fashionable shoe, the Merry Jane Metro, is almost ready to launch and we're excited to show you the first photo if it, fresh off the sewing machine. But that's not all…

While we're very excited for this new women's shoe, some of our designers felt we should consider our male customers, too. After some top secret R & D, we are now putting the final touches on our new men's outdoor casual shoe! This new slip-on design will feature unique rustic aged leather colors and utilize Breathe-O-Prene technology to fit snugly around the foot. We think you'll find this model to excel in durability, style and comfort. This shoe is also close to launching, except for one delay: we can't decide on a name for it!

The elves in the shop are torn between three options: Rogue, Rover or Ranger. We would love some input from our fans, especially you men out there, to help us come to a decision. You can cast your vote below.

Both new styles will be available in the VERY near future. As promised, here is the first photo from our design table, showing both the Merry Jane Metro and the nameless men's outdoor shoe in two colors of aged leather (pay no attention to the severed foot in the background):

Updated 11/8/12: Voting is now closed. And the winner by a landslide victory  is... ROGUE! Thanks to everyone who helped us pick a name. The new Soft Star Rogue and Merry Jane Metro are both now available for sale!