Smoothies Know What’s In Them

Posted on the 26 August 2013 by Dave Nevue

Smoothies Know What’s In Them

Smoothies sound like they would be a healthy choice. They are cool, refreshing and filled with an assortment of fruits and vegetables. Some smoothies could complement your nutrition program while others could destroy your nutrition program. Before taking one sip read the label. Know what you are drinking. Some smoothies that are pre-made have over 1,000 calories in them.

There are pre-made smoothies that range from 600 calories to over 1,100 calories in a 24 oz drink. The fat content ranges from 23 grams to 62 grams. You can consume a double cheeseburger and medium fries with fewer calories and less fat than the smoothie that has over 1,100 calories.

Other pre-made smoothies range from 150 calories to 270 calories. They are higher in protein and fiber. There are healthier choices that are available. Just make sure that you are reading the label before purchasing them. The fewer ingredients in the product the better. Look for higher amounts of protein in the drink, this will keep you fuller for a couple of hours between meals.

The best way to enjoy a smoothie is by making it yourself. It only takes a few minutes and you will know exactly what’s in it. Put your favorite fruit and or vegetables in it. Add some protein powder to your smoothie. You will be able to enjoy a great tasting drink that is packed with macronutrients and micronutrients. Fuel your body with the right foods and be energized.