Smoking Ban Protest: Breathe and Let Breathe – Will They Be Heard This Time?

By Nogarlicnoonions @nogarlicnoonion

Going to Sodeco today, you’ll notice a a group of people protesting. The owners of restaurants, cafes, cabarets and Patisserie sit today at the intersection of Sodeco, protesting against the failure of approving the amendment to the decision of ban smoking in tourist institutions, where the protesters had cut off the road completely.

This move, under the title of ‘meet us in street so that we don’t find ourselves in street’, comes after the failure of the traditional methods adopted by the union to clarify the great damage done to this sector due to issuing the “law of banning smoking” in restaurants, cafes and nightclubs, specially after the visits that the union made to the heads of parliamentary blocs, according to what the Secretary-General of the union Tony Ramy had announced

In his speech during the protest, Ramy renewed the claim to suspend the law of banning smoking, pending its amendment, considering it a dead letter, and stressing that what is coming is greater

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