Smiles in Bloom

By Stephanie

It is never too late for another shot of this orchid. This "no ID" orchid has been flowering for weeks now. The colour looks amazing from dawn till dusk -- bright and pretty :)

As for my other orchids, they are not flowering. In fact one or two have dried up with no certainty that they will bounce back.

Rex begonia vine (not a begonia but Cissus discolor) being kept in the porch is one of those vines that I adore most. The leaves may look thick but they are actually thin.

This Begonia Iron Cross ( Begonia masoniana) was given by a gardening society member. Only has one leaf right now. I hope the heat will not be too much for this little guy.

A yellow bloom popped out! Love its appearance.

Another two yellow Monocostus uniflorus blooms showed up in the other shrub as well. Really delighted to see these yellow blooms. They can really put a smile on my face :)

The bougainvillea blossoms below change colour as they mature. They will be more pink later.

This little bonsai plant in the pic below was bent and twisted at first at the nursery. It dried up after I brought it home and being placed in the porch. I cut back the plant and put it in the sun. It is growing well now.

The plant/bonsai unfortunately did not come with an ID. I identified it as Wild Lime ( Santhoxylum fagara). Anyone can confirm?

Meanwhile, here are my supermarket-bought rosemary and red basil (at the back). New shoots and leaves appeared. I am glad :-)

My Four O'Clock ( Mirabilis jalapa) flowers are still blooming in the late morning. They are as pretty as the orchids. How wonderful!

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