Smarten Up Your Home in 2013

By Dwell @dwell
They say that home is where the heart is. And now your home can have a brain as well. Sound futuristic? Thanks to advances in smart technology, your home can be greener, safer, more secure, and just plain more enjoyable than you ever thought possible. So if you’re ready to live in the home of the future today, here’s a look at some new smart technologies to help you create a smarter home in 2013. Slideshow

Smart Locks–No need to carry house keys ever again. Or wonder if you locked the front door when you left for work. Smart door locks work through an automated system you control via an app on your smartphone or other web-enabled mobile device. Whether you’re letting the kids in the house after school or granting remote access to a neighbor to water plants or feed the family pet, smart lock technology gives you total control of your door locks from anywhere and at anytime.

Article photo header images: The E+ Green Home in Seoul, South Korea designed by Unsangdong Architects. Photo by: Sergio Pirrone