Small Talk is Dying – Because We Spend All Our Time Online

Posted on the 03 June 2013 by 72point @72hub

Small talk is officially on the way out – as it’s revealed one in five of us haven’t spoken to a stranger in over six months. A study of 2,000 has shown that a surge in online communication has taken over, with one third of people saying the bulk of their communication now takes place online, rather than in person.

One fifth even deemed the ability to chat face to face with those we aren’t familiar with as unnecessary, while 40% dismissed ‘small talk’, nattering about the weather or the commute, as pointless or awkward.

In fact, half of the 2,000 people studied went so far as to say they have a much reduced need to communicate in person because of the amount they can do online.

The research, commissioned by mutual healthcare provider benenden health, also found one third of people are distinctly uncomfortable with having to talk to anyone they don’t already know.

As a result, one quarter of people actually rely on the internet to reduce their need for face to face interaction.

Paul Keenan, Head of Communications at benenden health said:

“It is staggering that nearly half of us are becoming more comfortable interacting with people online than in person and this demonstrates both the positive and negative impact of online communities.

“We’re closer together – especially when friends and family live in different countries – but we shouldn’t lose sight of our social skills in talking ‘over the shop counter’.

“And finally, the fact that ultimately our research still shows that three quarters of people would help a stranger if they saw they were in need is encouraging and demonstrates that there is still a place for community spirit in society.”

“Looking at the positives, despite the evolution of the way we communicate, communities both offline and online are still in abundance. For example, our own community at Benenden Health with a membership of more than 900,000 people across the UK.”

The research also looked in detail at our sense of community online – as a surprising 47% were more comfortable in turning to online communities, feeling they participate more here than they do in their offline existence.

Almost a third of people are now members of a dedicated online social community, be it a parenting website, hobby website a forum.

In fact, on average, those surveyed were active members of 3 online communities, with, staggeringly, almost half admitting they spent more time in these communities than they do in social groups offline.

very different to the way we behave in the real world then – more than half the study admitted they go to some lengths to try to deter people they don’t know from talking to them – pretending to look at their phone, using a book or putting headphones in were the most common ways of trying to look unapproachable.

Three in ten people even said their first thought if someone approached them to talk in the street was usually that the person must be ‘dodgy’, and the same number felt stressed at the thought of talking to someone new.

And one in four people will only talk to someone they don’t know as a very last resort and often if they need help – and that’s after they’ve searched on their phone or online to no avail.

Paul Keenan added:

“Our study shows a spiralling decline in face-to-face communication with over a third of people describing friendly small talk as a chore.

“Meanwhile, a significant proportion of people are completely shying away altogether from making small talk or interacting with people they don’t know.

“To an extent, the rapid rise and ever-changing concept of online communication is naturally replacing traditional face-to-face contact. Whilst this is bringing people closer together online and speeding up communication over long distances, the potential effect this may have on social skills whilst out and about should not be underestimated.”