A business blog is an excellent way to engage with your clients, build blog traffic, and introduce your products to new customers. WordPress has made it so simple to create a blog that the only tough part is coming up with content. As easy as it is, there are a few mistakes you can’t afford to make as a small business owner. Time and money are 2 things few of us can afford to waste these days! With that in mind, I want to share with you some small business blogging tips to avoid wasting precious resources.
The mistakes You Should Avoid
Great content can’t shine with a Funky Design!
If your site looks like a hot mess, you can kiss sales goodbye! You will repel more clients than you attract. Take some time and think about your ideal client. What sites do they read now? What do the blogs in your niche usually look like? Try to balance your site with your taste and what your clients expect to find. Your business blog should be a marriage of your own style and industry standards. Get it right from the beginning instead of wasting money and time on a redesign!
Never Forget It’s a Business Website!
Make certain that you have a business website WITH a blog. Your blog should complement your site not be the main attraction. Remember, the purpose of your blog is to showcase your expertise and gain exposure. Do not turn it into just another blog. Always focus on what your business has to offer its clients. Don’t let your blog “take over”. You will waste the time and money it took to launch a business website if it’s only a blog.
Stay focused!
Many business bloggers fail because they forget to on their clients. Publish every piece of content with your customers in mind. Every post should be designed to inform or engage your clients. If you can’t engage or educate your target market, don’t publish the content. All it takes is few irrelevant posts to turn off your readers. It takes more money and time to convert new readers than retain the ones you have.
Endless self-promotion is a No-No!
Of course you want to keep your blog content relevant to your business, but it can not be an endless cycle of sales pitches .Do you ever visit sites like that? My guess is NO! Your blog readers come to you for advice, tips, news and entertainment. Don’t waste your time and theirs. Absolutely, promote your products and services. Make certain you give way more than you promote. The return on the investment is priceless!
No call To Action!
Each blog post should end with a clear call to action. Give your readers clear simple direction you would like them to take. You could outline step by step action to apply the tips you shared. Invite them to sign up for your updates. Ask your readers to share or comment on your post. It’s a waste of time and money to not call for action.
Point the Way!
You have got to promote to get the traffic. You want traffic from search, social media, and offline customers. Make sure everyone knows how to find your business blog.
If you are on a social platform make sure you are sharing your blog content.Click To Tweet It’s a waste of time to publish a blog if you aren’t going to optimize, promote, and share it!Be Consistent!
If you build a business blog to promote your small business, make a commitment to update it long-term! Don’t abandon your readers! Yes it takes time to build a following. The pay off will be well worth the effort. You are wasting time and money building your blog by not consistently publishing new content. Trust me!
Talk to Your Readers!
Engage with Your Readers!
Unlike a business website a blog is a dialog. The comments on your post are where you can engage in a very personal way with your potential customers. You must reply to your blog comments. Think of it as a way to brand your business as consumer friendly. Investing time in a warm audience is never wasted!
Bonus – Small Business Blogging Tips
The small business blogging tips I shared save time and money. Outsourcing your blog content can be a great time saver too! A good Ghostwriter can create content in your “voice” and no one will be the wiser! It can be a wise investment if you time or talent is scarce. I know many talented ghostwriter that can help you in a crunch! Go to SEO content for websites or contact me if I you have a question. Your business blog is an investment that can pay off in a big way!
Do you know some time-saving or cost-effective tips for small business owners? What are some mistakes that have been costly for you? Leave a comment below and with your tips or questions.
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