Sluthate, Incels, Etc.

Posted on the 12 August 2016 by Calvinthedog

From the Net, a commenter opines on Sluthate and related sites and the incel phenomenon in general:

Chasing women around like dogs and failing at it hundreds of times before one or two say yes – that’s what traditional masculinity thinks being a “real” man is all about. I feel sorry for these angry Omega males.

Come to think of it, White Nationalists are some of the biggest Beta males ever, angry too.

Actually I rather like Sluthate. It’s like a PUA site without all the cocky arrogant, strutting roosters, tools, dicks, jerks and especially douchebags who ruin those sites. You can get the same advice on Sluthate as you can on the PUA sites, and actually these poor angry Omegas are much less offensive to me than the jerkoffs strutting around on your average PUA site, who I usually feel like punching in the face. These Omegas are sad, but hey, life is sad. So I can relate. Life’s not supposed to be easy, and it’s isn’t.

I feel sorry for those angry Omegas myself. I have had a lot of success with women but there have also been dry spells where I couldn’t get date with God’s help, so I can sort of relate to what these guys are going through. Anyway, most single men are incel periodically anyway. How many single men can get sex anytime they want without paying for it, year in and year out, every day of the year? Hell, a lot of married men can’t even do that.

I would say that the natural state of man, at least single man, is Periodic Incel. After all, that’s why men get married. You are supposed to get married in order to get steady sex. If you ask a lot of men and they answer honestly, this is what they will tell you.

This is why there is so much pressure on single omen to get married: it is seen as the road to lots of sex. Single life is seen as idiotic loserdom: bachelor life = no pussy. That’s not necessarily true, but it does seem to be true that it is hard to get a regular and steady supply of sex year in and year out without buying it if you are a single man.