Abazia di Pomposa
The passion for two wheels travels straight to Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna), the Italian capital of the bicycle, whose province is a network of bike paths running along the coast and through its plains, inviting cyclists to discover villages, cities of art and nature on the great delta of the Po river. The province of Ferrara can be reached by bicycle from all over Europe . Cyclists can choose from many routes dedicated to slow tourism and ecologically sustainable lifestyle. Take a deep breath, on your bike and...go!So you can choose to do it by yourself or with some organizes trip. Here some advices
You can do by yourself or, if you prefer you can choose this organized package
From March 11 to October 17, 2014, departures are on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month and include 7 overnight stays with breakfast - contact the Consorzio for the prices
Green cycling over water
Mesola , Castello Estense
A 4-day trip in the green landscape of the Po delta Park, where water has created a special natural habitat that includes woods and pine forests. We leave from Argenta, the important site of an ecomuseum, and ride through the countryside of the sand wines to the Comacchio valleys, where water flows on both sides of the bicycle. A must stop is the Manifattura dei Marinati, a museum about the processing cycle of eels. We then reach Mesola Wood, harking back to ancient lowland forests, riding along the coast to Goro and then to the Castle of Mesola, one of the Delights (residences) of the Este family. We go on to Pomposa Abbey, a priceless historical and artistic treasure trove in the Romanesque style, with frescoes inspired by Giotto and a marble mosaic floor. It was here that Guido d'Arezzo invented musical notation. Our trip on two wheels continues at the Garzaia oasis of Codigoro, “city of herons”, ideal for birdwatching, and then on to Ostellato.You can do by yourself or, if you prefer you can choose this organized package
Departures on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from April 8 to October 28, 2014, three nights in a hotel, with breakfast, 2 dinners in a restaurant, tasting of sand wines and luggage transport- contact the Consorzio for the prices
From Ferrara to the flamingos of Comacchio Those who prefer a short 3-day tour leave from Ferrara, where bicycles are the favorite means of transport. This Medieval and Renaissance city is dominated by the Castle Estense, it boasts large squares rich with history, buildings, churches, convents and museums, and is still surrounded by still intact walls. The tour proceeds to the Lower Province of Ferrara, to the Delight of Belriguardo and to the Necropolis of Voghenza, and then to a visit of the Romanesque art of the Pieve di San Vito. We cycle to Ostellato and its lush nature and finally to Comacchio, with its cathedral, the Bellini Palace, and the prestigious Roman Ship Museum. In order to explore the valleys surrounding this “little Venice” we embark on a motorboat and immerse ourselves in the magic of the pink flamingos, and also visit the ancient salt mines.
You can do by yourself or, if you prefer, you can choose this organized package
let's go!
The package includes 2 nights in a hotel with half board, 3 light local food lunches in Ferrara, Ostellato and Casone di Valle. Cycling tour guide and the opportunity of prolonging the holiday. Contact the Consorzio for the pricesFrom the Estense Castle to the Abbey of Pomposa A 3-day cycling tour, the first two days from Ferrara to Comacchio – including a motorboat excursion among the valleys – and the third day at the Abbey of Pomposa, which dates back to the 6th-7th century. After riding through the vineyards we stop at a cellar to taste the sand wines and then we cross the Mesola Wood. At Gorino Ferrarese another motorboat takes us through the delta of the Po river, to explore its unique nature reserves.
You can do by yourself or, if you prefer you can choose this organized package
an amazing experience!
The package includes 2 nights in a hotel with half board, a local food lunch in Ferrara, a fish lunch in the Delta, a tasting of local wines and food, guide and excursions. Contact the Consorzio for the pricesIf you need more info
Consorzio Visit Ferrara
Via Borgo dei Leoni 11, Ferrara (FE)
Tel. 0532 783944, 340 7423984
E - mail:assistenza@visitferrara.eu
Website: www.visitferrara.eu