Sleeping with the Dino's

Posted on the 08 July 2013 by Thewritefuture @thewritefuture

Last Friday night I spent a night with the dino's in the Natural History Museum. An amazing event that I can highly recommend to all kids and also to all dino's of my age.

While wandering around with my torch between the Baryonyx bones and the Triceratops skeleton I saw an announcement of the exhibition Genesis by the very talented photographer Sebastião Salgado. With Genesis he looks at the natural world and how some places remain unspoilt and how people can live in harmony with these places. An absolute must-see for all photography-lovers, nature-passionates and dino-sleepers with torches.

Photo: Sebastião Salgado

The exhibition is on until 8th September. I have booked a ticket straight away to visit it next week! I hope to see you there!