Sleeping Like a Baby?

By Earthseamama @earthseamama
Who ever came up with this saying probably did not have children LOL! Almost every night is a battle to get Baby F to sleep. Nursing...rocking...singing I am sure none of it really works he just gets tired of fighting it and goes to sleep. Once he is asleep for the night its not so bad he wakes up a few times a night because he has tummy pains he will fuss and I pat his back and we fall back to sleep together. Sometimes he will wake in the early morning to nurse and fallls back asleep until 8:30-9am sometimes if he falls asleep after 11pm he will sleep past 9am. Baby F doesn't really have a nap schedule and recently he started only taking one nap in late afternoon and one after supper. I don't know how he does it he is the most active baby I have ever seen he goes non stop!
I am a very happy Mama today and pleased to announce we are the proud owners of a brand new Hunbaba Mei Tai :) I hurried home to try it out. I took a few photos but its hard to get good pics when you are taking them yourself...I will get my Fiance to take some better ones for when I write my review post on the carrier. But I will say that I am in love with the thing and I will be holding on to it for a very long time. I will post the photo below...when I blog from my tablet I use a mobile blogger app and it doesn't allow me to place the image wherever I want. Baby F was not in the mood for photos I interrupted him while he was watching Sesame Street LOL.
I am taking the weekend off from blogging there is a lot I need to get done around the condo in preparation for our move. I am planning a few posts for next week including my review of the Quinny Buzz Stroller, A day in the life of Baby F and a review of my Bily diaper bag. Have a fabulous weekend.