Sleep Aid Apps: How Effective Are They Really?

Posted on the 27 March 2021 by Ang L @ALifestyle4

Maybe you’ve heard of the latest trend that has been steadily growing in popularity: sleep apps. There are many of them, all promising to help you get better sleep, deeper sleep, fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer. Some even have “smart alarms” that wake you up when you’re in the lightest stages of sleep.

If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, the chances are you’ll try anything to get a few winks and some good beauty rest. Are sleep apps the way to finally get that deep sleep you’ve been craving? Or are they just a fad?

What Are Some Other Popular Methods for Getting Better Sleep?

Millions of Americans suffer from insomnia and trouble sleeping. If you find yourself tossing and turning every night, you might want to consider some options besides sleep apps. One option is a cbd sleep aid, which usually comes as edibles (like gummies) or oils.

CBD has been proven to be an effective sleep aid and is also used to treat disorders like depression and anxiety. Studies have found that CBD can lower amounts of the stress hormone cortisol at night, keeping people asleep longer and reducing the number of nighttime awakenings they experience.


Melatonin is another popular sleep aid and comes in pills or gummies. Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced by your brain in response to the dark.

This hormone already plays a significant role in your sleep rhythms and sleep-wake cycles. Increasing your levels with a melatonin supplement is an effective treatment method for insomnia for many people, and it’s available at any grocery or drug store.


Sleep Aid Apps

Sleep Aid Apps: Different Kinds and How They Work

Despite CBD and melatonin both being effective sleep aids, the popularity of downloading and using sleep aid apps has been rising steadily. Though some research suggests that sleep aids can help in certain situations, you may have to decide for yourself. Here are the four main types of sleep apps available for download.

Sleep Tracking Apps

These apps analyze how long it takes you to fall asleep, how long you stay asleep, and how much you toss and turn at night. Some of these apps feature an “intelligent alarm,” which is supposed to know when you’re in the lighter stages of sleep and wake you up then instead of at a set time every morning.

While these apps are good to chart your regular sleep patterns, they are not intended to be a diagnosis of any kind. If you think you have a sleep disorder, consult with your physician.

Calming Apps

These apps use calming noises or soothing voices to lull you to sleep. Some of them use guided imagery, and some even use hypnosis. The hypnosis method uses targeted suggestions and imagery in tandem to relax you and keep your mind calm and still. Studies suggest that guided imagery may work to relax the mind and help it fall asleep, but the results are unclear.

Apps that Fix Bad Habits

Some sleep apps aim to fix bad sleeping habits and are designed to treat insomnia with cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT sleep apps help you realize and replace the negative thoughts and behaviors causing your sleeping issue. However, this style of sleep app is more effective when used in conjunction with one-on-one therapy and counseling.

Noise-Blocking Apps

Noise-blocking apps do just that: block irritating noises that prevent you from falling asleep. This can be achieved through music, white noise, or soothing sounds like ocean waves, a crackling campfire, or a thunderstorm. Noise-blockers are one of the most popular sleep apps used, and there are many free versions available for download.

Final Thoughts: It’s a Mixed Bag

So, do sleep apps really work? If you only suffer from a mild case of insomnia, you will most likely have good luck with sleep apps assisting you with falling and staying asleep.

If you have severe insomnia or a sleep disorder, certain sleep apps may help a little bit, but you should always consult with your doctor to find out all the treatment options available to you.

You can also try other methods like taking CBD or melatonin before bed. Next time counting sheep doesn’t work, try downloading a sleep app instead and see if it works for you.