Sleeknote Review Product Details 2020 Pros & Cons (Discount 20% OFF)

Posted on the 30 May 2020 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

These are questions you've probably asked yourself when looking for ways to get more leads. After all, there are many lead-generation tools out there, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

The problem is it takes so much time to research which tool actually works, that you might as well spend the same amount of time collecting leads yourself. Since saving time is one of the main reasons you started looking for this tool in the first place, right?

That is why today I will review one of the lead magnet tools that I have found to be effective and efficient-Sleeknote.

So sit back, take your coffee and let's dive in.

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In-Depth Sleeknote Review

Sleeknote is a lead generation tool that prides itself on creating non-intrusive pop-ups. At first glance, some objections might rise to your mind, but the success stories of our customers speak for themselves.

This tool has more features than any pop-up tool in the market, which enables you to create the best campaigns possible and reach your goal at a faster pace. While it is a fact that Sleeknote can help you hit different objectives it also lets you save time for other marketing or sales activities you might have planned.

If you are new to pop-up campaigns, don't worry, Sleeknote has all of the information you need: from feature pages to educational articles, we make sure that you leave with a better understanding of what popups are.

7 Non-intrusive Use Cases & Sleeknote

Going back to the most important question: can popups actually be non-intrusive. I can answer: Yes!

If used correctly, popups can and will compliment your user experience. All you need to do is remember that your campaigns are there to help customers first and only then, to bring something to your company in return.

But in case you are not convinced to create your first campaign just yet, here are some tips and tricks that I learned through my experience with Sleeknote.

1. Make A Mobile-Friendly Pop-Up

E-commerce continues to grow from year to year and is predicted to reach 6,54 trillion dollars by 2022, which means people are becoming keener to buy online. Nonetheless, it's not only important that they buy; it's essential to know how they buy.

For example, 69% of Shopify sales last year were made on phones and tablets. Yet,62% of users that have had a negative experience in mobile stores are less likely to buy from the same brand in the future.

With that being said, the ability to make mobile-friendly advertisements is something to look out for.

Sleeknote gives you the ability to create mobile pop-ups that don't disturb user experience through the signature mobile editor. Bolia is one of the companies that used this feature when transforming their desktop campaign...

Into a mobile-friendly version...

By reducing images and adjusting the copy, Bolia managed to achieve this clean, cohesive look. They have also experimented with other mobile pop-up designs and used an A/B testing feature to determine what to use in the future:

2. Offer A Deal For A Specific Behavior

Seeing pop-ups that show up at the wrong time in the wrong place is one of the reasons why they have gotten such a bad reputation in the first place. Thus, if we eliminate the "wrong time, wrong place" aspect of it, pop-ups become something that could be used for your eCommerce store's advantage.

Offering a deal to people who committed some sort of action such as entering your company's blog or simply searching through your page for several minutes is a great way to grow your email list and gain more leads. As a matter of fact, it offers you an opportunity to interact with a customer and encourage them to choose the product that they are already interested in.

Here is a creative example from Barkbox:

It does not disturb shopping experiences and quite frankly made me smile. When it is shown while the visitor is already searching for products to buy it becomes a great deal for them and I am sure they will not hesitate to enter their email.

3. Recommend Relevant Products

Let's say your customer goes into the teen clothes tab on your webshop, and after a couple of seconds he sees this pop-up that showcases sales items in this category :

It is not intrusive, as it is what your customer was looking for and chances are that they will be keen to find out more about what your offers are.

And in case they don't like what you offer they can easily exit it without any harm. In this case Sleeknote also offers to use a countdown timer, as that will create FOMO-the fear of missing out.

4. Guide Your Visitors

Your online store is not so far from a physical one when it comes to customer guidance. Ninety percent of businesses report a faster complaint resolution with chatbots, which is mostly because they are available 24/7. Even so, 86 % of consumers prefer to communicate with humans instead of chatbots and at the end of the day, you want your customers to feel comfortable.

In a physical store, you can see when a person needs help, but when a customer is lost online they are more likely to simply leave. That is where visitor guidance pop-ups come in.

Apuls is a company that specializes in affordable exercise equipment and they use customer guidance pop-ups in their product pages:

This helps its customers to contact customer support without leaving the product page, which is very convenient and could potentially be a final detail before the purchase.

5. Use A Teaser

If you want your customers to be able to open a discount pop-up on the time that is comfortable to them, Sleeknote gives you an option to add a teaser.

This is a small box usually on the side of your website that displays an offer in a small preview:

And shows the full-size campaign afterward:

With teasers, your customers can close the full-size campaign, but the small preview box will stay on the side in case they change their mind or want to take your offer later.

6. Provide Information

Providing information to your customers is essential. It can accompany their journey and make it easier for them to make a choice.

If you are an e-commerce store your website will most likely have a structure that compliments your user experience. But when you create new sales campaigns you might need to add extra text to your already perfected copy, which is not an ideal scenario.

Sleeknote provides you an opportunity to add a popup campaign instead of changing your web copy that eventually would have to be changed back.

Online clothing store Rosemunde did just that with this campaign:

It uses geo-targeting to show this sales campaign to visitors from the United States and offers free shipping when they buy above 80 euros. Rosemunde does it with an integrated design that fits perfectly with their homepage:

And they didn't have to change any text within their website.

Another example of how to use informational popups comes from a store called Matalan. They decided to show their footwear size chart through a pop-up campaign:

In this campaign, they don't only present the size chart, but also answers some of the questions a visitor might have.

They also add a link to their return policy without clustering their product pages.

7. Use a Sleekbar

When you want to redirect users to another page or perhaps present a small amount of information, a popup might not be the ideal option. After all, you don't want to showcase a half-empty box on your website.

Sleeknote has a solution for that too called a Sleekbar. These are campaigns that are similar to teasers, but do not open up to reveal a popup. Instead it might redirect you to a relevant page or simply showcase an in-store offer.

Sweet Deal Mobile uses it to redirect mobile visitors from their browser version of the website to their app:

I love this example because it is very simple and clear. Besides, if a user wants to keep using the browser version of the store, there is a noticeable exit button on the left side of the campaign.

But that's not all, Sweet deal shows this campaign not only to android users. The adaptation of it is shown for the visitors who browse through their iPhones or Ipads:

Sleek bars are an easy way for Sweet deal to bring traffic to their new app and provide a better experience for mobile and tablet users.

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Final Thoughts: Sleeknote Review 2020

If there is one thing that is underrated it's popups. At the beginning of the e-commerce rise, they were used to trap a customer into buying rather than moving forward with their customer journey. However, today they are used to reach company goals in a more efficient way. In the right hands, popups can be an effective tool to enhance the user experience rather than destroy it.

It seems like popups came a long way and most importantly became more customer-centric.

What are your thoughts about popups and their use? Let us know in the comments below.