Sleek i-Divine Ultra Matte v1 BRIGHTS Pallette

By Yessy_suwandi @yessy_1988
Hi everyone!!!
It's Christmas Day-1!! Really can't wait for christmas, but i really don't want to pass it! I hope everyday is christmas! Lol.
Do love the christmas feel, its so joyful!
Well, Monic was so genius give me this Sleek Pallette during our Christmas Swap, take a look first on its packaging, it's just so Christmas, dont you think so??

And let's take a peek into the pallette!!
Inside, there are 12 matte bright colours which are so pretty >_<
From left to right (1st row): Chill, Pout, Sugarlite, Dragonfly, Pucker, Bammi.(2nd row): Cricket, Bolt, Strike, Floss, Crete, PowiSwatches on my arm.

Upper Pic: With eyeprimer, Lower Pic: Without primer

And here is my EOTD using this wonderful pallette ^^
In order to esplain how to get those eyes, here some steps :)1. Apply Floss as base colour2. Apply Pucker on outer V and Cricket (what a name!!! Hate those insects >_<) on my inner corner to make some highlight.3. Apply Black Gel Liner4. Add some glitter

And tadaaa!! LOL. I've never applied those shocking colours as my eyeshadow before, but it really fun!! You should try this at home beside your naked or nude colours.
So, how's your christmas preparation ladies? Mine was so exciting! Hope all of us have a wonderful christmas. But instead of having a gorgeous christmas celebration, don't forget the true meaning of this holy event. Christmas talks about love and sacrifice that GOD have done for you and i.
Thank GOD for our own Jesus Christ, it's all by HIS wonderful and amazing love that I could stand and be a proud christian, a favored and a blessed girl.
Happy Christmas everyone! *hugs*
Lotta Love,