Sleek Face Contour Kit Light | Review

By Littlefashionthoughts
For weeks I'd been lusting over this item, but every time I'd walked into Superdrug or Boots it had always been sold out, so imagine my joy when I found it a few weeks ago. I'm  a big fan of Sleek Make up I think it's brilliant, also I love the packaging of their brand. The size is perfect, it small enough to throw in a tiny make up case, yet the sizes of the sections—contouring powder, highlighter and Rose Gold blush—are big enough. All three sections are incredibly pigmented and work so well on the skin, creating a noticeable look when on. I have yet to actually wear the blush, I've never felt the need to wear it as my skin tone is fairly pale and it just doesn't look right. However, for the price I cannot fault the product and it's so handy to just keep on you, especially with the mirror. I'm not brilliant at contouring the skin, I'm getting there, hopefully.