Slate Coffee Shop, Curtain Road, Shoreditch, London

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

Head to Shoreditch and find this gem of a coffee shop on Curtain Road

1. Sit on a lab stool while you drink your coffee and eat your cake. This will take you back to your chemistry lessons.

2. Order coffee and marvel at the novel presentation. Have you ever had a coffee served like this before?

3. Choose from a wide selection of cakes and biscuits. Maybe an apple!

4. Talk to the assistants about the expensive menu. They seemed to be passionate about their choices. Loads of vegetarians foods.

5. Leave with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

Follow slate on twitter here and tweet if you like their coffee and like them on Facebook here.

If you have a place that you would like me to visit and give a mention then please e-mail me at

Thanks for reading.

David Ridings