For a laugh, I also tuned into Twitter. When I've subjected myself to watching the Republican debates recently, the Twitter commentary has been the only thing keeping me from chucking myself off the roof. It's often very insightful and usually hilarious.
Most of the Oscar Twitter was a bit "meh" with people Tweeting about who'd won what, as if other people couldn't just tune in if they wanted to see what was going on. I never get the point of that. "The Oscar's just gone to so and so...". We know, we're watching it too.
It was when Angie Jolie walked on that Twitter lit up however. I'll admit, my first comment was
"Was there a collective OMG gasp when Angelina Jolie walked on the stage? And not in a good way?"
I mean did you see her? Yes, she is thin beyond belief, but I was more referring to the weird pose she adopted when she got to the mike. One hand on hip, and that bloody right leg sticking out almost at right angles. Lady, where's your class?
But it was all too late. Some saint I don't follow complained about others "slamming thin people". In fact the entire Tweet was = "I'm as uncomfortable with slamming thin people for being thin as I am for fat people being fat. Or anyone being any size. It unsettles me." The same woman also voiced disgust at Meryl Streep because of her "Whatever" comment, which I thought was hilarious, and she accused Streep of false modesty.
OK whatever. Apart from the dress that made her look like an oven-ready turkey, if you can find something to criticize about Meryl Streep's acceptance speech, then the problem's all with you.
These righteous people who seem to set out to right the world really get on my nerves. If you don't like my Tweets don't read them. You're not really missing anything I guarantee. And reading meaning into my words isn't exactly going to bring me round to your way of thinking either.
One of the funniest Tweets I thought was from someone else I don't follow, who said "I would officially like to ship my remaining tofu pad thai to Angelina. Along with a book on Oscar ettiquette. #leg". Yes, it might be slamming Jolie's size, but the woman knows she's held up as a role model and unless there's something really wrong with her right now, the head-is-bigger-that-the-body look is not a good one.
But more importantly, - back to the leg? We know there are some big egos on the red carpet, but please. Put it away.