Before you run through your next play of Skylanders Superchargers think twice before skipping the story. This behinds the scenes video shows how much time and effort goes into creating the narrative, cut scenes and characters in the game.
Rodriguez highlights the importance of balancing both narrative and game-play though. “You never want to overrun the game-play. If game-play is changing we need to make sure that it doesn’t break something we are doing in the story, particularly if they have voice over associated with them.”
Picking up the process from here Kara Massie, producer on Skylanders Superchargers, describes how the story is then developed. “There’s close communication between the narrative team and the game-play team and that’s why it’s important for us as a studio to have all our work done in house. It’s a fine balance, one you have to feel out. When it’s appropriate to stop and when it’s appropriate for kids to just experience the story through gaming. Very early on we put our cinematics in the game and play through. We then go with what feels right for ourselves as we play through.”