Skincare | Wishlist #1

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie

My skincare routine is pretty a-okay at the moment. Nothing I use is breaking me out or causing any irritation to my skin. However, there are a couple of products that I've had my eye on for a while now... Balance Me are quickly becoming one of my favorite brands and I'd love to extend my collection of their products. Their Skin Bright Hydrating Mist sounds like a neccessity for those long days at University. After lusting after it for what seems like forever, I'm confused at why I still haven't purchased the Origin's Drink-Up Intensive Overnight Mask. Designed to quench your skin's thirst, it sounds like a product my face will thank me for. When it comes to spots, the worst issue for me is scarring and I'm thinking about checking out the Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil to try and combat that. Chemical exfoliators have been all the rage recently; I'd love to see what the fuss is about and I've heard good things about the Clarins Gentle Exfoliator Brightening Toner!

I'd love to know in the comments whether you've tried any of these products and what your thoughts on them are. Did you have a good or bad experience? If you have any similar suggestions or alternatives, let me know about them too! Thank you for reading.

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