Skincare | Hydraluron (and 1000 Followers!)

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie

Hydraluron has been a popular product that has circulated the beauty blogging world for a while now. I first saw it reviewed on Lily's blog and in Caroline Hirons 'Hall of Fame'. After that it began popping up on more and more blogs that I read. It was on offer in Boots a while back for a 1/3 off the price (usually £24.99) so I thought there was no better time to pick it up.
So the product is said to absorb up to 1000 times of it's own weight in water which is all down to it's key ingredient; Hyaluronic Acid. Now I know that sounds really scary - but trust me, it can work wonders. It gives you an abundance of moisture leaving the skin feeling very supple. The clear gel texture does leave your skin feeling a bit tacky after application, which isn't pleasant at all. However, it acts like a glue with your moisturiser to help keep you 'moisturised' all day. You only need the smallest amount to cover your entire face meaning that this 30ml tube will last for quite some time.
Hydraluron has made my dry and dehydrated skin appear more glowing and feel, well, hydrated! The product is amazingly suited for all skin types so if you feel your skin is lacking something it's well worth a try. Even though it's more on the pricier side, I put my hands up and say that I love this product. Have you tried Hydraluron or do you want to? What was your experience? Let me know in the comments below.
Yesterday I reached a huge milestone - 1000 followers on Bloglovin. Wow, just wow. I can't believe how many people actually take interest in what I have to say and my blog's not even a year old yet! Whether you've been here from the start or this is the first post that you're reading, thank you so much. I'm so grateful!
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