#sketchadaycafe March 2016

By Khourianya @khourianya
I'm hosting another sketch challenge over on Instagram.   I’ve been struggling with doing a daily challenge, so I decided it was time I got back to hosting one!  Welcome to the #sketchadaycafe challenge.  March 2016 has a theme of COFFEE!  (mmmm coffee).  You don’t have to be some master artist to join in - just grab a sketchbook and start doodling on the daily prompt.  Tag a friend who you think might be interested (if you want) or repost this image to your own account to help spread the word.  I’m looking forward to a fun, coffee filled March!  I hope you’ll join me!
Here is a printable version of the prompts.
#sketchadaycafe March 2016
Have fun!