Skankshot – Skankshot

Posted on the 19 January 2015 by George De Bruin @SndChaser


Skankshot – Skankshot

Artist: Skankshot
Title / Release Page: Skankshot
Release Date: 2014 Dec 22
Genre: Punk / Ska
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Media: MP3 / OGG / FLAC
Pricing: Free
Label:  Self Release / BandCamp

Skankshot has released their final album on BandCamp. Of course, as always, i am late to the game and didn’t know about this band the last 4-5 years.

Skankshot – Skankshot

I’ve written before that I wasn’t really a big punk fan back in the 80’s.  However, I was into Ska.  Most notably The (English) Beat, The Specials, Two Tone and later General Public.  So The mix of ska and punk from Skankshot was a welcome reprieve to all the electronic music I’ve been focused on.

Skankshot says on their website that they are anti-fascist, however from their lyrics they are more anti-government and anti-corporations.  Take these lyrics from The Jolly Roger Still Is A Black Flag:

i don’t want a new kind of politician
raise the black flag high
i don’t want a new kind of politician
raise the black flag high

That’s actually a sentiment that is shared by many people these days, especially those that are disillusioned with the political climate in which we live.  However, Skankshot really saves their ire for consumerism / corporations (from Downgrade):

another car on the highway
another steak on the plate
in the name of economic growth
the rats keep running the race
the air’s getting thinner
the tide is rising

They come close to advocating anarchy with lines like (from Thanks But No Thank You):

thanks but no thank you
i don’t wanna join your organization
i’d rather be an independent fool than a number on your list
no leaders, no followers, no party program
no to reproducing the structures we criticize in this fucked up society

However, there are times where they pull back from the edge of advocating anarchy with lines like (from Thanks But No Thank You):

we’ve got to create new ways
to organize ourselves

Which makes them one of the more interesting groups I have listened to in a long time.  Radicals for certain, but not so extreme as to just advocate the complete obliteration of everything without something else to take it’s place.  Unfortunately, they don’t seem to really have anything to say about how to go about replacing the current system.


It’s too bad I am just hearing about this group.  Having some good, combative punk-ska to listen to is refreshing.  The ideas in their lyrics are under-developed, however they don’t go to absurd extremism (like calling for the destruction of everything).  And, they get points for putting their music where their ideals are by making their releases available for free download.

Too bad they won’t be around to bring us any more music.  Although, I have to admit, it seems kind of ironic to end their recording life with an eponymous titled release — which is typically the first or second release from a group.