SJW’s Are Creating a Whole Generation of Fascists

Posted on the 10 October 2017 by Calvinthedog


Exactly. I think Jason has mentioned this a number of times. The SJW’s have become completely irrational and even insane, and the insanity progresses every year, as they endlessly move the goalposts in the social football game called the Oppression Olympics that they proudly created.

The thing is, society offers you two extremely shitty choices, as usual. American society seems to specialize in offering you two different flavors of ideological shit sandwich. You get a choice of either the Democrats or the Republicans, but the problem is they both suck to high heavens.

I almost never vote for a candidate I actually like. I have been voting for candidates that I hated almost my whole life. Generally I vote Democrat even though I pretty much despise Democraps. The reason is because I hate Democrats a lot less than I hate Republicans. I vote for them because though they are evil and they suck, they suck less than the other side. I wonder how many other Americans routinely go into the voting booth to vote for the candidate they hate less or simply to vote against the candidate that they hate more. The latter is usually what I do. I vote to vote No on Republicans because they are a flat out menace.

Yes, I want to shoot SJW’s though I never would so I have to satisfy myself with homicidal fantasies), but Republicans are the ones that will truly not be missed.

SJW’s, as horrific and evil as they are, are really nothing but a black loud of Alaskan mosquitoes. I am sure Siberian-type mosquitoes are damned evil if you stuck in a crowd of them, but I imagine bug spray still works for them, and barring that, you can always just wrap up nearly every inch of your exposed body, which you probably want to do in Alaska anyway, as it’s so damn cold.

Thing is, I can think you can deal with Alaskan mosquitoes. I mean lots of humans live up there, and they are able to live there without dying of mosquito bites, so I am sure there is a way around the infernal swarms. Yes, they drive you crazy. Yes, they make you want to kill every mosquito on Earth. Yes, they are worse than annoying. Yes, they ruin your day. But at the end of the day, you can probably pretty much deal with the swarms one way or another. It’s like having a very annoying and unpleasant illness, with the upside that it is certainly not fatal. It sucks, but you can deal.

Republicans on the other hand are an actual man-eating tiger in your living room with no way to defend yourself and no way to escape. Republican are literally a threat to your sustenance, shelter, transportation, medical care, retirement, physical health, mental health. Hell, they’re basically a threat to your health and life itself. They can literally make you dead or wish you were. They’re as bad as the tiger in the room. You never know when it’s going to try to kill you. In the meantime, you’re just buying time until it does.

Of course I fully understand why so many people despise SJW scum. I want them dead myself. I literally do not care if every SJW in the US lives or dies. I honestly do not care if millions of them dropped dead for no reason tomorrow. That’s how much hate I have for them.

But there is hope! There is a whole huge anti-SJW movement out there. You can just sign right up! It’s easy!

Problem: The cure is worse than the disease in most cases. The anti-SJW’s are almost completely conservatives, reactionaries, fascists, and real-deal type racists, misogynists, anti-Semites, homophobes, transphobes, etc. They are literally troglodytes, and almost all anti-SJW’s are vastly worse than SJW’s. Ugly, ugly people.

SJW’s are mostly misguided fucktards who keep sending whole armies out to put out house fires. They’re like an immune response in your body. They are frankly well-intentioned, but they take their moralizing vastly too far and turn into Comstocks and Puritans like all self-righteous jerks. There’s such a thing as too much good. Too much good literally sucks all the fun our of life. Everything is forbidden because it’s somehow haram. But their hearts are in the right place. They are literally trying to be good and do the right thing. They’re taking the “be a good  person” thing  vastly too far, but at least they’re promoting good and not evil.

I mean SJW’s attack your free speech, they might even threaten your livelihood, and they very deservedly make you want to murder them because of all the abuse and hate they throw at you. That’s annoying. Not being able to say what I want to say everywhere I want to say it is annoying. Getting banned from every other forum and group on the Net is annoying, but I can deal.

There’s always the blog, which has been reported to WordPress more times than I can count. I am on good terms with WP staff,  they know the site very well, and we have had some deep conversations about what I can post here in terms of content and what I cannot post. I know where the lines are that get you in trouble with them. As far as what I write about, they literally do not care WTF I say about anything, and they have told me so. WP are free speech radicals, true social libertarians in that sense. The only stuff that got me into trouble was videos, but I know the boundaries on those now too.

So I can still shoot off my mouth and be a social arsonist who sets social brush fires all day and then races to put them out. That’s the purpose of the whole site. I’m a provocateur. The site is a gigantic troll of the world. It is literally designed to piss off as many people as possible. Why? For no reason. For shits and giggles. Because I can and you can’t stop me.

Which is nice.

On the other hand, Republicans, conservatives, reactionaries, and fascists are far worse than annoying. They are literally a Code Red threat to life and limb – mine, yours, everyone else’s, and the whole damn planet’s.

So people who hate SJW’s logically run to the anti-SJW movement, which is actually far worse. That’s not a solution.

As usual, US society is offering you two flavors of shit sandwich with nothing edible in between. You can either pick one of the sandwiches, eat it whole, and then say you’ve made up your mind, right, wrong or indifferent, and try to make yourself at home with whichever lunatic scumbags you are hooked up with. Or you can you prefer not to eat shit sandwiches, but then you are politically homeless because there is no movement that says the Right and the SJW’s can both burn in Hell.

The problem is that US society literally throws you into one five alarm fire or the other. If you hate SJW’s, you are automatically Alt Right, Republican, conservative, reactionary, or especially fascist. If you believe in bash the fash and you despise the Alt Right, the conservatives, the reactionaries, the Republicans, and the fash, then you are automatically a Cultural Left SJW retard. You don’t get to protest and say you hate both of them. If you hate one side, then you get literally thrown into the other side. If  you hate them too, the other side tosses you back to your original  oppressors. It’s like Stalin and  Hitler are playing Mortal Volleyball and using you as the ball, which will be destroyed at the end of the game.

But since there is literally nothing in between two camps of raving lunatics and ferocious assholes, most people pick one side or the other as society orders them to. As every action causes an equal and opposite reaction, people who despise SJW’s almost always drift straight over to the Right, somehow adjust themselves to the new neighborhood, and after a while, make themselves a happy home.

And since the SJW’s are pissing off more humans than there are mosquitoes in an Alaskan mosquito horde literally every day, yes, of course, the SJW’s are actually causing the explosion on the Alt Right, the New Fascism, the whole nine yards. It’s 1920’s Germany all over again, complete with Friecorps and Brownshirts breaking skulls and people screaming “social fascists.” There’s fighting in the streets, and as both sides are batshit nuts when they are not stone evil, the end result is, as in 20’s Germany, simply total chaos and societal dysfunction.

So the article is correct. SJW’s literally caused not only the election of this Frankenstein Trump Monster Thing, but they also literally caused the Alt Right, and these boneheads are literally causing an explosion, of actual, real deal, unreconstructed fascists straight out the 20’s Germany that I discussed above. Or better yet, 30’s Germany because that was so much worse.

I don’t know what to say. US politics is a toxic War of Dueling Assholes like it’s been forever now.

Solution? I ain’t got one. There’s always this bottle of beer I am going to open in about four minutes. That’s about the only palliative I can think of. That or take to bed, sleep all day and engage the false hope the endless nightmare somehow ends.